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vertexware is extensible framework and tool collection for building interactive applications on Windows platform by using C++. Framework is based on kernel / plugin architecture, where each plugin is implemented as a DLL module. This makes the system easier to extend and maintain. Kernel provides stable execution environment and takes care of common tasks such as plugin loading, startup & shutdown protocols, dynamic reconfiguration and main loop. Plugins handle additional low-level system interaction and implement higher-level interface abstractions where necessary (e.g. input-device interfaces). Applications are also implemented as plugins. Programming interfaces are designed to support any low-level graphics API or human interface device. Graphics API-s are used directly i.e. you use standard OpenGL / Direct3D calls. However, a subset of graphics functionality is wrapped-up into a framework-defined interface called GUI-Renderer. This interface is used by GUI subsystem (also defined and implemented by framework), which makes it possible to render the GUI through any low-level graphics API provided that the necessary plugin exists. Input devices are abstracted by higher-level specialized interfaces which support keyboards, mice, game-controllers, orientation-trackers, position-trackers and gloves. A number of additional tools are available including basic math classes (vectors, matrices and quaternions), transform generators, pixel data containers, timers, etc.


API-s / hardware supported by standard distribution:


Additional features:




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