Sveučilište u Zagrebu
Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva

Diplomski rad 1837

Postupci proceduralnog modeliranja gradova tenzorskim poljima

Borko Jandras

Zagreb, ožujak 2010.

Sažetak (Postupci proceduralnog modeliranja gradova tenzorskim poljima):

Modeli urbanih okruženja od velike su važnosti u mnogim primjenama, od računalnih igara, simulatora letenja, industrije specijalnih efekata, pa sve do projekata urbanog planiranja. Izrada detaljnih modela gradova ili gradskih četvrti može postati iznimno dugotrajan i skup proces. Korištenje proceduralnih tehnika u postupku modeliranja može drastično smanjiti trošak i povećati detaljnost nastalog modela. Ovaj rad prikazati će nekoliko različitih tehnika koje, povezane u jedan zajednički okvir, omogućuju stvaranje detaljnih scena urbanog okruženja.

Ključne riječi: tenzori, tenzorska polja, proceduralno modeliranje, prometne mreže, urbana okruženja

Abstract (Procedural Modeling of Cities Using Tensor Fields):

Models of urban environments are of great importance in many different applications - from computer games, flight simulators, special effects industry, to the projects of urban planning. Creating detailed models of cities or city districts can be a very time consuming and expensive process. Usage of procedural techniques in the modeling process can both drastically decrease the expense and increase the detail of the created model. This paper presents a number of different techniques that, when combined in a single framework, enable creation of highly detailed scenes of urban enironments.

Keywords: tensors, tensor fields, procedural modeling, street networks, urban environments