MULTICLOD: Multiclass object detection

Computer vision for smart cars and safer roads

The traffic sign dataset TS2010a

This is a refined version of our earlier TS2010 dataset. The dataset contains images of Croatian traffic signs acquired along Croatian local countryside and urban roads. The images are acquired by a progressive scan sensor and are 720 by 576 pixels wide. They are annotated with image-wide labels as well as with object-level labels and bounding box locations.


License and citing

The datasets may be freely used for academic purposes. If you find our datasets useful in your research, please cite the following paper:

Valentina Zadrija, Josip Krapac, Jakob Verbeek and Siniša Šegvić. Patch-level Spatial Layout for Classification and Weakly Supervised Localization. GCPR 2015 (PDF).


The dataset can be downloaded from the following link. Please unpack the archive and follow the instructions below.

Image files

The image files are located in the directory images. The file names have the form NNNNN.png, where NNNNN denotes the five digit number corresponding to the unique image id.

Images are annotated with image-wide labels as well as with object-level labels and locations. We have used image-wide labels for training classification models and weakly supervised localization models, as well as for evaluating classification models. We have used object labels and locations for trainings and evaluating strongly supervised localization models as well as for evaluating weakly supervised localization models.

Labelling convention

Each annotation is labeled at two different levels of abstraction:

The mapping between the labels and the traffic signs codes defined by the Vienna convention is provided in the file signs_map.txt. The format of that file is as follows:


Image-wide labels

Image-wide labels are provided in the files image_labels_level_0.txt and image_labels_level_1.txt. The format of both files is as follows:


The meaning of the column identifiers is as follows:

Object labels

Object labels are provided in the files object_labels_level_0.txt and object_labels_level_1.txt. The format of both files is as follows:


The meaning of the column identifiers is as follows:

Track information

Most physical traffic sign are visible in multiple images (4 on average). Thus, a simple subdivision of the dataset would likely produce unrepresentative result due to employing the same physical traffic sign for training and evaluation. In order to make it possible to avoid this undesired situation, we provide the file groups.txt. Each line of that file denotes a disjoint group to which the traffic signs from the corresponding lines of other files belong. If you subdivide the dataset in a way that all images from each group remain together, all physical signs shall be represented in exactly one fold.